
Artificial Intelligence & analysis

The future is near and TMG has already orientated themselves on several areas around artificial intelligence where machine learning is being used to improve customer experiences and profitability. 

TMG has focused particularly on speech to text and segmentation of customers based on purchase history and demography.  

Speech to text: In connectivity with quality assurance of conversations, some employers needs speech recognition. TMG transforms speech to text, so analysis on quality can be made, as well as discovering new requests on products etc. 

Purchase history: We help organizations and firms to discover who their customers really are – by using artificial intelligence. As new customers arrive gradually, the system will check if the profile of the customer base shall change. The target is to discover lookalikes of your previous customers.  

Contact salg@telemagic.no for more information.

TMG has focused particularly on speech to text and segmentation of customers based on purchase history and demography. 

© Telemagic Group AS 2019